

Writers love to write about writing

and they love to read what other writers

have written about writing.

Add your link here.



  1. http://oneofthe4.wordpress.com My blog about the process of writing, and how it fits into my very busy lifestyle.

  2. Yoo hoo! Over here – poems, prose and a few photos.
    ‘Nuff said?
    Hope to see you soon!


  3. Jennifer Worrell

    I can’t decide if I should put my blog here or in “family.” Please, Dotty, can I have three categories? Even if I’m a lowly American gopher?

  4. Excellent idea, Dotty

    My blog about a british crime writer making his way in the world: http://petedenton.wordpress.com/

  5. Hello! My blog is about writing and editing and other book-related topics. Posts are short and to the point, and I am told, amusing.


  6. Exploring the extent of my imagination as I seek to create fiction worth experiencing under the name of Jaq.


  7. I write about my journey to publication and all the bumps and bruises I’ve accumulated along the way

    I love hearing other writer’s perspectives and comments!


  8. I write a mixture of poetry (mostly free verse) and short stories (generally fantasy).


  9. I’m a Welsh/Australian born in Wales in the 1950s, lived in Australia for 42 years and have now returned to the UK to be with my Welsh Partner. My blog is a mixture of journal and experimenting with writing. Please come and visit. http://floatingwiththebreeze.wordpress.com/

  10. I’m an aspiring romance novelist, but my blog covers a variety of things from writing and editing to travel and pretty much whatever else I can think to write about. Stop by and say hello!

  11. Great idea Dotty 🙂

    My blog is my writing journey http://www.the-view-outside.com


  12. My blog is Missy Writes and the url = http://www.melissamfrye.com/missywrites It’s my writing journey, plus book reviews.

  13. Hi all
    New to blogging and trying to keep it to writing – Flash Fiction and Haikus


  14. “Ohayōgozaimasu!” (That’s Japaneese for “Good Morning!”) Anyway my name is Jae Lei Nyght and I am an up and coming writer whose getting her feet wet in the world of prose and written artistry. I also dabble in paranormal activity, Futuristic worlds and Supernatural beings as well as Graphic arts. So come and see for yourself. You won’t be disappointed. 😀

  15. http://www.helenamallett.com

    Flash Fiction and Haikus.

  16. naughtyfeet.wordpress.com

  17. Hi there
    I started my blog in July. It is about my struggle with depression, anxiety, panic attacks, suicide, writing my first book and daily life. Hope you enjoy it.
    Kat 🙂

  18. Hi, this is a wonderful idea!
    Words and reading fascinates me as always. I do write a few lines in my blog posts @

  19. “My stories are all true, even when they aren’t” I love what you’re doing here, Dotty! My blog contains one of my current WIPs, “The Wall Crack’d” and from time to time other crap I feel like flinging against the wall… http://jimlwright.wordpress.com/

  20. What a lovely idea! You little treasure you.
    Blogging daily at http://patwoodblogging.wordpress.com/ (and on 20 lines or less)
    on fiction, writing, life the universe and everything.

  21. Hi – this thicky cannot make the button or link work. Help please!

  22. Hey Dotty, cleaver idea you have here… I do a some easy reading poetry and prose.
    Thanks, I’ll be around soon. Actually I’m going to explore a little more right now 🙂

  23. And finally I did it. Hooray! Yes, I know, I’m completely thick and should have been able to manage it before. But the button is on.
    Do I have to do anything else?

  24. Very Novel is my blog about freelance writing, my novel writing process, building a better writing platform and writing in general. http://verynovel.wordpress.com

  25. Good idea. Look forward to checking these out.

    My blog is less about writing about writing, and more about doing it (or trying to…).

    PattiKen and the Muses

  26. Hi Dotty

    I’m a Brit and a writer, so I will post myself in both categories, if that’s all right.


    yay! I remembered it.

  27. I really like this idea of widening the blogging community through a site that links them. Here is my blog that combines photography and writing:

  28. My writing is word play with a purpose. Come sit and read a spell at http://honiebriggs.com/. Okay, not an actual spell. I’m not a witch or anything.

  29. http://kizzylee.wordpress.com/ sometimes i blog about writing other times i write about blogging

  30. I love original ideas, and this looks like one to me. Thanks for this, Dotty (love your name!). I write litfic and am just finishing my MFA. I use my blog to rant about how big art is and how little I am.

  31. Frankly I write about anything I can. It’s a sickness really.

  32. http://woahmolly.com

    My Blog is about a lot of things, writing is one of them. I write Sci-Fi, Weird-Fi, Dystopian and YA.


  33. This is a great idea and yes, I am one of these people, and a photographer, and a person with mental health challenges! http://www.journeyofmixedemotions.com

  34. I mostly share poetry on my blog but do write the odd short story and plan to do more in the future. Being British, I can spell correctly, too…! ;-P


  35. Dear Dotty,

    That is a great idea to find and follow new fellow bloggers. I am a newbie in the blog-world. I spill words randomly from my cauldron of thoughts here http://www.ashaseth.wordpress.com. Would like to be a part of your initiative.

    Much luck to your blog.:-)


  36. My blog with some short fiction and other random things http://hlpauff.com/

  37. My blog, http://theevolvingdad.wordpress.com is simply about my quest to be a published writer while learning to be a dad.

  38. My site is http://HowToWriteBetter.net. Over 400 “posticles” on all types of writing, both business and social … plus special series on writing well to get a better job, business English quick tips, writing fiction, and written humor. Drop by for a visit soon!

  39. My site is http://myrandommuse.wordpress.com I post on the struggles of being a writer, do reviews, blog tours, lately a bit about Indie/self-publishing, have also re-started WIPpet Wednesdays.

  40. My site is http://dlfwriting.com/. I’m someone trying to develop my writing, specifically my fiction. The site is really my attempt at finding my Voice, finding my Style, and presenting those finding and what ever other muses that may strike. Give it a read!

  41. You can find me at http://inkandpapyrusblog.wordpress.com/ where I report my struggles with transforming an idea to a published reality.

  42. I write about writing – mostly about how it pulled me through my recovery from alcoholism:

  43. My English Emporium website is an easy-to-use English handbook (like MLA or APA) with free handouts for English teachers to download in the “blog” section. Writers like it for easy access to grammar rules.


  44. whitneycarter.wordpress.com – Fantasy writing hub/community for writers of all skill levels.

  45. Hi..
    Please feel free to visit my blog at http://dipoblog.wordpress.com/.
    Thank you!

  46. Hi everyone. What a great idea. Wonderful to see what other writers/artists around the world are up to. I write children’s poetry and haiku, as well as short stories and ramblings. My blog is a mixture of poems, resources and tips, musings, author/poet interviews, etc.

    http://misshelenwrites.wordpress.com Blog name:Helen Ross writes

  47. Hello! Truly elated meeting you all! I write on inspiration and do warmly invite you to have a look! Pls feel free to share, recommend, like fb page and follow including on twitter. Looking forward to great times ahead exploring your worlds! Cheers!

    The Blazing Trail (Enlightening – Spurring – Strengthening) http://theblazingtrail.wordpress.com

  48. http://storiedimpressions.wordpress.com/ My blog focuses on photography and a story to go with it. You can participate. Join me!

  49. http://jilllondon.wordpress.com/ Diverging thoughts on books, writing, art and general what-have-you, considerately ordered. I post every couple of days, always respond to comments and am an all round good blogger.

  50. http://sofaruntitled.wordpress.com/
    Generally about me trying to write so I guess my blog is about Fantasy and Writing, and im british!

  51. http://colinshingler.wordpress.com/ My blog is brand new…still in the bubble-wrap really and it aims to trace my journey as a writer for newbie wannabe to whatever I end up as.If nothing else it should prove entertaining for all writers out there as they happily cringe at my efforts.

  52. http://awriterstouch.wordpress.com/
    A collection of writing quotes, tips, prompts, flash fiction and flash nonfiction. I’d love to hear your input on some of the topics there!

  53. Missing the Muse: A writer’s blog about everything except writing.

  54. Ermilia Blog: Ermisenda and Eliabeth are coauthors blogging about books, life, and everything in between. We host a weekly writing exercise called Picture it & write. We are aiming to make it an annual publication for all us writers out there. A blog aimed to inspire.


  55. http://spaciireth.wordpress.com – Writing goals and check-ins, along with sneak peaks and other rambling.

  56. http://christinajoneswriter.com All about my writing journey, short stories, poetry and some inspiration for your days.

  57. http://joeowensblog.wordpress.com/ I also love writing in any form, especially fiction.

  58. aeyshadeedee

    http://aeyshadeedee.wordpress.com Awesome writing, poetry, issues… just lots of writing, words are cool! 😀

  59. http://theartificialselectionproject.com/

    We have reviews, interviews, and our very own Literary Journal publication as well as a weekly list of other Literary Journals that have open Calls for Submissions! Follow us for the most up-to-date info on everything writing related and more!

  60. A mix of introspective writing and other creative adventures:


  61. This is a perspective of a teenage lunatic with life

  62. http://www.100firstdrafts.com, as the name suggests I took on the foolish (?) challenge to try and write 100 drafts in 5 years, so basically 1 every 2 weeks. Lots of tips on things NOT to do.

  63. http://www.boldconversations.com
    A writer at heart as well as a spiritual being and adventurer, I write on topics of personal and spiritual development and travel as a transformational journey. I am a published author and working on two books currently. And to mix it up, I help people who want to design a life around what matters most to them. Please visit and peruse, maybe stay a while to chat.

  64. http://theliterarysyndicate.com/ A place where all writers/editors/cover artists/reviewers can gather and say hello. Check it out!

  65. http://painttheworldwithwords.wordpress.com/ – My Poetry Blog to inspire people about poetry and share my work:)

  66. http://mylifewalkingoneggshells.blogspot.com – Growing up with domestic violence. Self-reflective stories and thoughts on adult healing.

  67. http://thatigbogirl.wordpress.com/ – Just where I share my thoughts on books, movies, natural hair, sometimes interviews and guest posts

  68. http://lunaelainspired.wordpress.com/ A blog for writing inspiration, links to sites about writing.

  69. I write both prose and poetry on my blog. There is a weekly inspirational (devotion) as well.


  70. http://www.kyrosmagica.wordpress.com – A blog about writing, reviewing books, travel, food, humour and the things that inspire me – photography, and art.

  71. I write a blog of short stories/flash fiction. Some story endings are sweet, some are not. Hoping you will like them!

  72. pndrgn.wordpress.com Pendragon’s Poetry – Songs from the heart of life

    Writing and poetry – touching on “matters of consequence”.

  73. Imagination Breathing:
    Vision: “Inspiring Lives”
    What ‘IB’ believes: “Your insight may be just what someone else needs to have a breakthrough”.

  74. Hello all, here’s mine…have a nice time. 🙂 http://space4mridula.wordpress.com/

  75. Silver Threading

    http://silverthreading.com/ An ecclectic mix of poetry, short stories, photography – all combined to tell the stories of life. ❤

  76. My blog is where life, the things I love and care about, and writing converge. http://nadinetomlinson.com (Nadine Tomlinson ~ Live, Love, Write!)

    P.S. The red button is calling me, but I will not press it. I will not!

  77. http://maryblowers.com is a blog about books and writing! Calls for submission twice a year.

  78. reading – reviewing – writing.

  79. Please come and visit The Pen And The Page at http://www.darrenscanlon.wordpress.com
    where you can browse and (hopefully) enjoy my poetry and have a look at my novels.

    Look forward to seeing you.

    Keep Smiling 😊


  80. https://rawlse.wordpress.com/ Do ya like Epic Fantasy? Crazy yet Smart? Looking for writing Tips and Advice? Then whaaat are you waiting for–hop on over and check out the writing advice we’ve got!
    You might find something fun to read too, while you’re at it. 😉

  81. carliswagmalip

    So you a real guy…. You love it when people call things as the see it huh?? You love Talking,you love gisting,you love arguing?? Okay http://www.Carliswag.com is the blog to visit.

  82. Hello.!!greetings to everyone here
    I write because I love the pen and I read because I love books.. I love to explore, ask reflect and imagine… that’s why I like to write.. basically I talk to myself in this quite experience about life’s musings, adventure and people

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