

Knitting, crafting, hiking, sky-diving –

whatever your hobby is, if you write about it

add your blog to this list.



  1. http://wifemeetslife.wordpress.com lots of DIY, gardening, cooking, etc. I have a lot of hobbies; so should you!

  2. How about fly fishing, fly tying, photography and humor at http://swittersb.wordpress.com

  3. The Blog Is The Hobby
    BlogDogIt – Bloggin’ It While Doggin’ It


  4. ashleybollinger.wordpress.com

    I’m a sassy pants who blogs about crafts and anything i find delightful on the interwebs! A lot of pinterest projects!!

  5. http://www.dunthor.com

    I am a prosperity coach and blogger with a lot of hobbies… and pets!

  6. http://www.thegrinningskull.wordpress.com
    Please feel free to drop by my miniature wargaming blog, its not just a treat for wargamers, but a treat for all. There is only laughter in the face of adversity….

  7. I read too many car magazines….w/ a strong bias towards Road & Track!!! http://www.carmaglife77.wordpress.com

  8. Sewing, recycling, crochet, knitting, tutorials for making bags

  9. http://sunshineimpressions.wordpress.com/ This blog is about all things that make me happy, whimsical crafty ideas, writing, photography, animals, daily interests.

  10. MakeSomethingMondays

    I do a DIY project every Monday, for my sanity 🙂 http://makesomethingmondays.wordpress.com/

  11. I pick an item form my Ephemera collection and delve into it’s historical or quirky significance.

  12. http://walkthroughssource.blogspot.com/
    Walkthroughs and gameplays. Main platforms:
    Windows Phone 7.8 games
    Xbox 360 games
    Games for Windows

  13. http://littlefingersbigart.com/ Lots of great craft ideas for children and aspiring crafters! Check out our tutorials and full-color photographs; updates every Wednesday and Friday!

  14. Eccentric Chai is the blog of all trades! Check out the blog for weekly challenges and monthly writing contests, all of which promote people of all genres. http://eccentricchai.com/

  15. Playing Video Games! Making Comic Books! Drawing Pictures! Folding Origami!

  16. I have a hobby farm with hobby animals and hobby kids. Mostly I take pictures of them.

  17. Love this idea! I blog about crafting with duct tape and washi tape.

  18. Hi, I’m a textile artist from England, but as an obsesivcreativ it’s not always textiles! Why not visit http://obsesivcreativ.wordpress.com

  19. Hi everyone. My blog is all about home decor, crafting, DIY, and making a home beautiful. Come check it out 🙂

  20. I am a DIY, paper crafting, picture taking kind of gal. Also kind of a organizing nut. I love to find good junk to remake into great treasures. http://sueeldred.com/

  21. Kids arts, crafts, cooking and book reviews of kids and YA fiction and non-fiction. http://www.today-wedid.com/

  22. https://sultanabun.wordpress.com/

    Letters from a forty-something housewife and Mum of four who cooks, cleans, crochets, digs, cleans, cooks, launders, knits, weeds, cleans, cooks, plants, cross-stitches, reads, cooks, cleans and (just for kicks) writes.

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