Physical Health / Illness


If you write about physical health / illness

add your blog to this list.



  1. My name is Roly. I’m a wheelchair jockey that has IBM Inclusion Body Myositis. A rare neuromuscular disorder.

  2. My blog’s a little bit of everything; mostly personal, but I do talk about my experiences living with chronic pain/illness.

  3. My 37 year old daughter is terminally. I am blogging the heartache of her final journey.

    I blog about health issues related to highly sensitive person, highly sensitive children.


    This blog is a place to provide as much information as I can about the specificities of highly sensitive people and highly sensitive children. I am have become an aromatherapist to bring well-being to my family with gentle treatments and I am in the process of becoming an herbalist to be better able to come up with solutions that help reduce toxicity in our lives.

  6. I’m chronically ill; I have fibromyalgia, chronic pain, and lots of other diagnoses.

  7. My blog is about my life with FIbromyalgia and the things that inspire me. I also write many articles about Fibromyalgia.

    I hope you’ll drop by to read my poems about living with epilepsy.

  9. Cowden’s Syndrome and Lhermitte-duclos disease:

  10. I run and I breathe, usually at the same time.

    • At 33 I was told that the lumps in my breast were probably nothing. So I did nothing, believing that I was “too young for breast cancer.” Shortly after my 34th birthday–and now with no health insurance–I discovered that Cancer didn’t care how old I was. On my twin kindergartners’ birthdays, the diagnosis of Her2 positive Stage 3C breast cancer rocked my foundation and changed my world in an instant. This is the good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful of my cancer diagnosis and everything that has followed.
      This is my story:

  11. I have Crohn’s Disease, but I try to stay fit and healthy and not let my disease define me.


    blog following my journey to good healthy through exercise and eating better.

  13. Happy to help and happy to be helped. All things osteoarthirtis, depression, health, diet, food

  14. I am a mental health professional who specializes in supporting children and families coping with Autism. I also struggle to manage my own mental health needs while dealing with my own chronic health problems and being a caregiver to my two parents whose health is steadily declining. My blog is my way of processing my experiences to become content with the life I have, instead of grieving for the life I’ve missed out on.

  15. I write about my journey with breast cancer and all the graces I have embraced through this journey. Check it out at

  16. Why should the complicating cooks have it all their own way? I’m a lazy, greedy cook and like my food easy, cheap AND delicious. Recipes are all three, or at least two. I live in Transylvania and in the summer have wildflower meadows outside the door (full of free salad), I have raw milk straight from the neighbour’s cow, wandering through the wildflowers (barging through my fences) and drinking spring water, all at 4,000ft up in the Carpathian Mountains. I’m a supporter of Slow Food and prefer peasant food to haute cuisine. Hope you’ll come and visit.


    I blog about my journey as a CrossFit athlete. From a recovering fatass to an elite badass. Bringing humor to the intense world of CrossFit, and Oly lifting.

  18. Advise and support blog for recovering alcoholics, their friends and families. Comments and discussions relating to the support of those in need

  19. I’m a spoonie. I avoid writing about my ailments if I can possibly help it, but my entire life is lived within the chronic pain paradigm.

  20. I write about disability, myositis, neuromuscular disorders and post about things in general in this field that might be helpful to others.

  21. My blog chronicles my journey from avid runner and half-marathoner to breast cancer warrior. I include stories, helpful tips on diet, supplements, and getting through treatment. And, of course, a hearty helping of “cancer comic relief”.

  22. Hi please join me on my journey as i trip along pulling epilepsy and a lazy leg wherever i go. An unwelcome lump in my head called BT, tipped my life on its head and I write to show that there can be life and laughter even with a brain tumour.

  23. Flight Attendant, mother, wife, advocate for breast cancer, now survivor! Follow me through the ups and downs of my breast cancer journey and my journey of life!

    Advocacy blog for incurable Stage IV, Metastatic Breast Cancer, which affects 30% of the BC community, yet we feel ignored and get about 3% of the research funding. 97% goes to curable Early Stage Breast Cancer.

    I started proudliving: a community for inspired living and found myself heeding my own counsel as I journeyed through a breast cancer diagnosis and treatments. More importantly, I’m the mother of two teen daughters who inspire me to be silly.

    A blog about breast cancer, recovery, and trekking back into Life.

  27. Hi there! I’m adding my blog to this list because although I don’t write specifically about any particular physical illness, my whole blog is dedicated to raising awareness of blackouts, PoTS, low blood pressure and syncope.

  28. Find out about the soft-kill being unleashed upon us all at my blog!
    Actually, I just needed another list to put my blog into so I could suck a button off from this site.

  29. eatingdisorderdiary

  30. eatingdisorderdiary

    whoops let’s try that again…

  31. My daily journey with anxiety as I learn to overcome and deal with it.

  32. My blog is about life after death and God’s unconditional love, plus how faith helped me heal from a life of abuse. I also get into writing and self-publishing. Blessings!

  33. I’m posting about type 2 diabetes, how it affects my life and the events surrounding it.

  34. Does anyone know how to technically ‘take a button’? I would love to but can’t figure out

  35. Whoops, all I do is choose my topic and post here. Got it


    I am a psychologist and recently diagnosed breast cancer patient. My site focuses on humorous musings but is really a tool for to advocate for more funding and attention to metastatic breast cancer and to provide information to and connect with others going through this.

  37. I am a nurse and a young cryptogenic stroke survivor. I started blogging after I had started to recover from aphasia and apraxia as a way to get out my thoughts and insights that I could no longer express verbally.
    Here is my first blog post:

    Did I Say “I love you” Enough to Last a Lifetime | kristentraverse

    Did I Say “I love you” Enough to Last a Lifetime


    Wit and Wisdom from both sides of the sofa…one psychologist’s journey from shrink to breast cancer patient

  39. my website is about me / cfs / fm and other related illnesses …

    Hey thank you for this collective – it’s a wonderful way to meet new blogs and their owners. Cancerbus regards living with metastatic breast cancer and a bonus, if you choose to read more, of my poetry written since diagnosis in March 2015.

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