


Spiritual blogs, religious blogs etc etc.



  1. I am not a religious person, though occasionally I get some very nice people reading the blog. Spirituality is by far a better word. I approach spirituality from a modern life perspective, and this is evident in my posts and my poems. The site is http://diabeticredemption.com/ and I’d love to see you there!

  2. http://faithhopechocolate.wordpress.com/ – the occasional and random musings and reports of life in a Religious community, from the point of view of the community’s newest member, ie me.

  3. http://IntheCompanyofAngels.wordpress.com – This is my second blog child, and has a definite angelic bent.

  4. http://LivingbyIntuitionandInspiration.wordpress.com This is the blog that started the writing flow again. I blog about all things metaphysical. Your spiritual path, my spiritual path, some “stories” that may (or may not be) fiction. I write about the energies of the time, consciousness, this thing called Ascension, and talk about the insights I’ve gained through living a Spirit-guided life. The answers really ARE all within us. Feel free to stop by and browse through my Alphabetical Listing of Blog Articles page. I created this to (hopefully) make it easier, especially for the first-time visitor, to navigate the site and locate the offering best suited for them. I look forward to seeing you there.

  5. http://ldsconvertblog.com This is where I talk about everyday stuff, but mostly about my conversion to the LDS Faith.

  6. I just found your blog and I started following it but I do not understand how to place the button on my blog. The buttons I am use to have a code to copy. Can you please help me? Yes, I am pretty new at blogging? Blessing Always!! Diane http://www.recipesforourdailybread.com dianeroark8484@bellsouth.net

    • Dear Diane,

      Hello. 🙂

      I did a post about how to put a button on your blog which you’ll find by CLICKING HERE.

      Love Dotty xxx

      P.S. Would you prefer to have ‘Spirituality’ as one of the two categories in which you can place your link? If so, let me know which other category you’d like to keep – everyone has only two for each blog – apart from the British who get to place their link in the British category. 🙂

  7. ‘Awareness’ is a blog about awakening to our true nature, and living an awakened life: http://restinginawareness.com/

  8. http://truthlesstruth.wordpress.com is a blog pointing to the sacred space of ‘Now’

  9. http://www.bluegrassnotes.wordpress.com; Notes from the Bluegrass: Journeying to Health and Higher Consciousness

  10. superaalifragilistic is my colorful mandala of creativity and consciousness… https://superaalifragilistic.wordpress.com/

  11. The Wondrous Dharma – Wisdom from the great spiritual traditions, and also from inspiring individuals.

  12. Hello, I blog about my ongoing recovery from PTSD, major depression, and addiction. I intend to spread the truth and hope of spiritual recovery to everyone who’s willing to read. We were created to be loved not to suffer..


  13. Hello, I blog about meditation, mindfulness and more broadly spirituality, attempting to show links in everyday life and how these truths can be experienced and lived on a daily basis. Sometimes, even humour is involved!!!! I hope people can find a path to a simpler, more free, less stressed life through knowledge and practice and prayer.


  14. I write an inspirational blog about practical spirituality and how to integrate our spirituality into our lives so that we live with peace, love, and joy.


  15. http://cerkas.wordpress.com/

    Simply stated, to reach out to others and be positive, to celebrate each others’ uniqueness and emphasize the Good in the world. Do that one person, one thought, one interaction at a time by providing creative writing services and resources to others.

    I see a world where people realize a life that is in harmony with their core values, priorities and intentions. Further, where people grow and resume the practice of helping others in need, without fear and without seeking something in return. People living a commitment toward brotherhood and goodwill and striving to leave the world a better place than we found it A common vision, shared by others and supported in times of need. It is important to connect with and follow the spiritual compass each of us was born with and willingly take action toward patriotism and preserving those values that are shared by a majority of Americans living in our great nation.

    It is important that actions be directed and guided by specific core values. Honesty, integrity, respect and humility; doing the ‘right’ thing even when there is no witness. Focusing on the ‘Greater Good‘ and on personal accountability. All packaged with a sense of affability and humor.

  16. http://earthskyspiritcoaching.wordpress.com/ I share my own experiences in spirituality as well as my skills in astrology and gestalt therapy with the hope of some of this resonating with others. I also like to mention practical tools to increase awareness.

  17. I didn’t realise you could only have two categories and I already put a comment in Philosophy but I am not sure if it really qualifies. I also write a lot about mental health so I will comment there also and you can choose which two you think I my blog falls into. I share many of my stories of faith and interaction with the spiritual realm so I would think my blog fits in here ok.


  18. Hi All!

    As a passionate advocate of growth and development, I’m all about encouraging people to see themselves as God sees them: valued, loved, and uncommon.

    Be inspired: http://uwana.wordpress.com/

  19. JOY is heartwarming and humourous/ thoughtful and thought provoking. Articles and short stories from a mother who raised 9 children on a hobby farm.


  20. http://vanishingnarrative.wordpress.com/ Self illusion, search for the unfindable “I” ; a Liberation Unleashed blog

  21. this looks like a wonderful place to learn and share and whatever reason or unfoldment in process today was a fortuitous day to stumble upon this place. Maybe some one will stumble on my place too http://thewayoftheflower.wordpress.com/

    thanks dotty!

  22. The Hurt Healer – Inspiration for anyone who wants to live their life as the person they were meant to be. Please join me:)

  23. On a journey with breast cancer filled with challenges…but I’m seeing all the grace that The Lord puts in the cancer path. Follow me!

  24. yogawithmaheshwari

    Yoga and yoga philosophy. Also spirituality in general from a variety of sources. http://yogawithmaheshwari.wordpress.com/

  25. I would like to invite you to check my blog at http://iprodigaldaughter.wordpress.com Thanks.

  26. http://heartflow2013.wordpress.com/
    This blog is where I post what inspires me to align myself with the Heart. This is an oasis of peace in the heart of blogland.

  27. http://ayslynscorner.wordpress.com/ – Taking a closer look at Wicca and Neo-Paganism

  28. Hi awesome people.
    I’m glad that most interesting blogs are gathered here.
    So I’m sure this following will interesting to most of you:


    It’s also a place to make spiritual like minded friend.
    have fun.

  29. http://yourinnerfeathersbyruby.wordpress.com/ – Spirituality, lifestyle and advice blog. I will be glad to see you all there! 🙂

  30. http://wp.me/p31ez2-zl If anyone wants to join me, I am crawling through the Bible, reading then posting the summary of each chapter in my own words. I welcome comments so much in case, my perception of what I read is different from someone else. I am by no means a Bible scholar, just a mom reading the Bible and sharing it with others.

  31. •-||-• a Forum & Archives •-||-•

    The Transpersonality of SPIRITUALITY as expressed in: Religion, Philosophy, Psychology, Science, Mysticism, Education, Spiritual disciplines, and Consciousness.


    • HUGE and growing Enneagram archive
    • BIOs, galleries and thought from foremost Transpersonal pioneers
    • the Writing, video and audio of Dr. Claudio Naranjo
    • resources on Yoga, Chakras and Kundalini phenomena
    • academic resources on Mystical and religious experience and psychosis
    • The Ignatian Examen and Zen Christianity
    • hot topics in the philosphere like Neurotheology & Panpsychism

  32. http://thecompanyofspirits.wordpress.com/
    The world is such a wonderful place. Spirit takes so many forms, and once we see beyond the illusion of separation all forms of life can be our teachers and healers.
    The Company of spirits is a blog on past lives, spirits and other life forms by psychologist, past life regression therapist and author Wendy Gillissen.

  33. http://ambassador-international.com/ A great Christian book publisher and blog for tips!

  34. http://onawhisperandaword.wordpress.com/ for musings on faith, life, parenting, relationships, and writing.

  35. neophyte psychic

    Hello! My blog is a psychic diary wherein I describe any experiences I have which are “psychic” in nature. I have been psychic all my life but I’m just now learning how to improve these gifts. Developing psychic awareness is a very spiritual experience.

    Many people don’t really know what “psychic” means and have all sorts of strange preconceptions about it. But a lot of people don’t realise that “intuition” is actually a type of psychic ability, and dreams can be too.

    I’m making my diary public because I would like to share this learning experience with other people who might not realise that they are also “latent” psychics – there are more of you than you think! 😉

    In order to develop and increase my psychic gifts, I will be working through some books and doing all the exercises. My personal psychic path, includes the following:

    1. meditation, Spirit Guides, angels, and other not-so-friendly “entities”
    2. keeping a diary of all psychic-related things
    3. dreams
    4. learning about energy, auras, crystals, symbolism, archetypes, and other spiritual studies.

    Please stop by for a visit! 🙂

  36. http://theartofuncertainty.wordpress.com/

    My blog is usually about the intersection where faith meets culture, society or every life. Lots of questions and thoughts, very few concrete answers, and I’m always looking for different points of view.

  37. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to add my blog to this list of incredible fellow travellers.

    My blog is about embracing ourselves within life and honouring the life we have by doing so. I really enjoy communing with others in conversation, inspiration and life’s little intricacies. I hope you enjoy my posts and I look forward to reading the many others in this list.


  38. http://christinajoneswriter.com

    My blog is about my writing and life as a christian.

  39. http://myeternalconsciousness.wordpress.com
    My blog is on the personal experiences I have received in this journey of healing through Inner Child work, past life regression and other forms of healing that have come my way…

  40. http://www.windhorseblog.wordpress.com

    Zen, without so much zen in it. Moments, how they come alive and step forward. Horses, and how they teach, heal, and live. Wholeness, despite abuse, ptsd, and grief

  41. http:www.purplerays.wordpress.com

    Purplerays is for spiritual enlightenment and self improvement. It shares spiritual insights without bias or preference of one religion over the other hence, the tag line…”gold is gold whether in the hand of the Pope or the Dalai Lama”

  42. http://www.greatjourneyofjoy

    I write weekly Christian devotions and inspirational writings to uplift and strengthen God’s people and also to reach those who are trying to find Him.

  43. Mich-in-French

    I started writing about my life lessons and it has just grown from there – I see life as learning a foreign language and as it can be just as frustrating and as funny on the journey towards fluency. http://lessonsinfrench.wordpress.com/

  44. http://swati2610.blogspot.in/
    Spirituality with Humour!

    “The whole of life is a great cosmic joke. Take it seriously, and you will go on missing it.
    It is only understood through laughter.”

  45. http://forestpunk.wordpress.com/

    There’s a strong dose of paganist/occultism in, amidst the pop cultural ramblings.

  46. http://www.boldconversations.com
    Bold Conversations is an inspirational (non-religious) blog on topics of spirituality, personal development and travel as a transformational journey. The writing is thought-provoking, reflective, poetic, practical with a dose of photography and vicarious journeys mostly through South America. Who am I? Life Scribe. Personal Sage. Human Catalyst.
    Please visit and if you are seeking to develop your essential nature, subscribe for support and inspiration. Blessings.

  47. I’ve been finding hints of spirituality in pop culture for 35+ years, so I’ve recently started sharing those bits in a blog. and I also gab about my abstract art & stereoscopic photography. usually within the context of a lifelong wandering and pondering about Christianity.



  48. http://www.emilynolin.com

    If you read me, you’ll be glad. (Or you’ll want your life back. Either/or.)

  49. Advaita, Zen, Vedanta, Yoga and Spirituality and humor 🙂 http://spiritualworldblog.wordpress.com/

  50. The Presents of Presence also known as Misifusa’s Blog

    A little bit of motivation, a dash of inspiration, coupled with some spirituality and a little bit of breast cancer tidbits all together in a blog where you’ll find your biggest fan ~ me! ♥

  51. Espirational: A 10 Minute Vacation for the Soul http://www.espirational.com

  52. Motivation and inspiration for the spirit: A 27 year-old trying to live in the PRESENT MOMENT in the middle of the 21st century.


    Plus… kinky stories AND great food!

    Nice combo, huh?
    Let me know if you like it 😉

  53. This blog is about a near-death experience, writing, and all that goes with spirituality through faith. Thanks!

  54. https://journalofachristianseekerslife.wordpress.com/ is a Christian online journal blog. Join me! Book giveaway.

  55. My story is here…


    Do feel free to comment (but please be gentle, I am only human…)

    Megan x

  56. https://shinymusings.wordpress.com/ My journey with God, getting to know Him better.

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